Anna Tetzner

“Rumah Hujan is surrounded by an abundance of traditional life. My focus has always been on capturing the ‘real’ Bali and documenting the island’s traditional ways of living, preserving moments of time that might appear insignificant but in truth carries life stories. I enjoy the thought of capturing the real and the ordinary because that is, in the end, the extraordinary.”

- Anna Tetzner

The main focus of my photographic work in Bali is to document the lives of everyday Balinese people, the Rumah Hujan Artist in Residence program was an amazing opportunity to dive deeper into the local neighbourhood and its people.

The village of Lungsiakan is characterised by traditional Balinese family compounds, beautiful temples and lush, tropical jungle. Whilst the main roads are buzzing with activity, peace and tranquility can be found just metres away.

Living in Ubud, I rarely take the opportunity to explore the backroads of my own town. Rumah Hujan was the ideal base for my early morning and late afternoon explorations and once I passed through the tiny gangs and alleys I was lucky to encounter some authentic everyday scenes of Balinese life: kids being bathed in large plastic buckets, dogs lazily sleeping in the sun, women selling street food, and preparations for a Balinese wedding in full swing. As I kept walking, I came across a beautiful section of pristine jungle, with a large bouldered river weaving its way through the valley. Even though Ubud has seen a steady increase in tourism over the years, it is still one of Bali’s most magical places and Rumah Hujan is a true hidden gem.